
Showing posts from September, 2023

Raising my child (and me)

Oh no, another mom blog? *Insert eye roll* Yes, but... this one’s not just Pinterest DIY’s or tips and tricks on how to survive the terrible 2’s and a ‘threenager’, it’s a supportive guide on how to raise your child and you, honestly. Navigating parenthood can be daunting and treacherous at times. No ultimate perfect parent’s rule book, sometimes you have absolutely no help or even support at times. It's a lot. I personally have a 2-year-old daughter, a daughter I’ve raised solely by myself since she’s been born. Once she came into this world, I knew I wanted more for my life and hers. After being out of school for 3 years, thus began my journey of finishing my bachelor’s degree, all online, at home, no job, no car... it's been a wild and stressful ride to say the least, yet it has raised me into a smarter and stronger mother.  Through my parenting journey so far, I’ve gained useful knowledge and hope with this blog I will be able to lend advice, perspective and support t