
Showing posts from October, 2023

Silly Goose Stories

  Welcome back to Raising You! Today I am introducing a new concept, which will be a reoccurring segment for this blog, and I cannot wait to share! But first, here is another parenting blog I recommend to all of you, A Mum to Mum . Another great resource for family life advice, crafts/fun ideas to do with your kiddos, and even kid-friendly recipes. Enjoy! Now, let’s jump back to that concept I mentioned earlier. Starting with a simple question, ‘Have you officially let yourself laugh at yourself?’. Right? Simple? Where am I going with this? No, really because it seems silly right? See, that’s exactly where I am going with this. Being silly. Allowing yourself to laugh at yourself whether it be because you said something silly or made a mistake, regardless, it’s a sign of maturity. It can help give you some grace as well, especially during the chaos of parenthood.      Image credit: Forbes Tumblr Which leads me to the name of this new reoccurring segment, ‘Silly Goose Sto